What Do The A B C Ratings Mean On Fire Extinguishers?

What Do The A B C Ratings Mean On Fire Extinguishers?

Different types of fire extinguishers are more suitable for different situations, but how can you tell?

When you look at a fire extinguisher, you will notice that there are ratings in the form of A, B, C, D, and K.

Some people may have thought that they didn’t mean anything, and some may not have even noticed before.

However, knowing what these ratings mean on a fire extinguisher is very important for making sure that you are using the correct one.

This article will explain what the A B C ratings on a fire extinguisher mean and what these fire extinguishers are good for.

You can find out more about these types of fire extinguishers below!

Are There Different Types Of Fire Extinguishers?

There are different types of fire extinguishers that you need to be aware of as some are designed for specific situations and shouldn’t be used for anything else.

When you use the wrong type of fire extinguisher in a situation that it shouldn’t be used in, it won’t help put out the fire and could make it worse, so it is important to know the difference.

Certain fire extinguishers are designed for putting out chemical fires, and other fire extinguishers have been designed for putting out house fires.

These fire extinguishers won’t work in different settings, so it is important to be aware of the type of fire extinguisher that you are using.

What Are The Different Types Of Fire Extinguishers?

There are lots of different types of fire extinguishers that you need to be aware of. Some are made for chemicals and some are made for harsher conditions.

You should know the difference between the fire extinguishers to make sure that you have the right type in the right setting.

ABC Fire Extinguisher

An ABC fire extinguisher is a multipurpose fire extinguisher.

This is the fire extinguisher that is recommended for people to have in their homes as it is suitable to use to put out electrical fires.

Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher

A clean agent fire extinguisher is recommended to be used on Class B and Class C fires as it turns into a gas when it is being used to help put out the fire.

It is safe to be used around animals.

Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher

This fire extinguisher is recommended for putting out Class K fires that are caused by fats.

The water mist cools down the fire and stops it from reigniting, making sure that the fire is put out once and for all.

Foam Fire Extinguisher

This fire extinguisher is recommended to be used on Class A and Class B fires as the foam is sprayed onto the fire and stops it from rising and becoming worse.

This extinguisher is not suitable to be used on gas fires.

Water Mist Fire Extinguisher

This fire extinguisher is safe to use to put out electrical fires as the water molecules that are released from the fire extinguisher cool down the fire and put it out.

It is suitable to use on most classes of fire.

Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher

This fire extinguisher is most recommended to be used on fires caused by flammable liquids and electrical fires.

When the extinguisher is sprayed, the carbon dioxide inside puts out the fire by not giving it any room to breathe.

What Are The Different Classes Of Fire Extinguishers?

What Are The Different Classes Of Fire Extinguishers?

It is important to know what the different classes mean on a fire extinguisher to make sure that you are using the correct one.

This will help make sure that the fire extinguisher that is used will help put out the fire since if you aren’t using the right one, the fire could spread.

Class A

When Class A is written on a fire extinguisher, it means that the fire extinguisher will put out fires from plastic, wood, and paper.

Class B

When you see Class B written on a fire extinguisher, it means that the fire extinguisher puts out fires from flammable liquids. These liquids can include oils and gases.

Class C

When you see Class C written on a fire extinguisher, it means that the fire extinguisher is suitable to be used for putting out electrical fires.

Class D

When you see Class D written on a fire extinguisher, it means that the fire extinguisher will put out fires that are involved with or have been caused by metals.

Class K

When you see Class K written on a fire extinguisher, it means that the fire extinguisher can put out fires in a kitchen that has involved oil or grease.

Who Should Have What Fire Extinguisher?

As the fire extinguishers are suitable for different situations, it is important to have the right one in the right setting.

This is why it is recommended that homes should have an ABC fire extinguisher as it can put out the most common fires that occur in homes.

Fire extinguishers that are Class D and Class K need to be installed in restaurants, workshops, and garages.

They are the appropriate fire extinguishers to have in these settings as these extinguishers can put out the fires most associated with these workplaces.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, it is important to be aware of the different types of fire extinguishers and what the ratings mean.

If you see A, B, C, D, and K on fire extinguishers, it is important to recognize what fires they put out to make sure that a fire is handled appropriately.

If the wrong fire extinguisher is used, it could cause the fire to spread and not be put out.

If there is a large fire, you must call 911 so that the fire department can quickly arrive to put out the fire.

They are trained professionals and it is important to call them when there is a large fire to help save lives.